Puttenham Church of England Infant School
Puttenham Church of England Infant School
Art enables children to demonstrate their creativity, imagination and their personality!
Our curriculum aims to engage, inspire and challenge children to express and respond to their thoughts, ideas and understanding. We strive to give children a range of experiences in art to ensure they develop their own creativity and imagination as well as equipping them with the knowledge, skills and understanding to create their own art, craft and design.
The children will learn from different artists and sculptures both from the past and the present. They will also look at art from around the world in their topics. Children will learn skills, knowledge and understanding such shape, colour, form, pattern and texture. They will explore a range of resources, equipment and techniques. The children will focus on a range of artists encouraging vocabulary to appreciate the different styles. These artists will inspire the children in their own creations.
Our curriculum includes painting, model-making, using clay, sketching/drawing, collage and weaving/sewing. We will also use the environment around the school including our forest school to inspire our art in our natural artwork.
We visit the nearby Watt’s Gallery to bring art to life! The children learn about local artists, explore and interact with art. They will then be given opportunities to produce their own forest art and clay sculptures using the ideas they have seen.
We celebrate children’s art work through our assemblies, displays and special outdoors art exhibitions. This allow the staff, parents and the wider community to appreciate the children’s art work.