Puttenham Church of England Infant School
Puttenham Church of England Infant School
When your child starts school we ask for detailed information regarding their health. Please update the school office with any changes.
If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, please contact the school office by 9.00am.
If your child becomes ill during the day we will contact you to come and collect them. Please make sure we have the correct contact telephone numbers for you. Children who have had diarrhoea or sickness must not return to school until they have been clear of symptoms for 48 hours.
Administering Medicines
We are able to administer prescribed medicines, however we ask that they are administered out of school hours when possible. We can only administer medicine when a Pupil Medication Request form has been completed and if the medicine is in the original container and clearly labelled.
All staff are first aid and epipen trained and are able to deal with any minor injuries that occur during the school day. Children who have bumped their head will receive a bumped head sticker and a note to go home in their book bag. In the unlikely event of a more serious accident, we will always contact the parents.