Puttenham Church of England Infant School
Puttenham Church of England Infant School
Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.
School Council
The school council are a group of eight children who are elected by their peers to represent their views and ideas. The school Council always look for ways to make Puttenham Infant School even better and to bring their hopes and aspirations to life. Every child has a voice through the class council meetings. All ideas are valued and brought forward to be discussed at the meetings by their school councillors.
At the beginning of the autumn term we have a special assembly in which the children receive a certificate and badge. They proudly wear these badges and the other children know they can approach them to share their ideas. We meet at least once each half term to discuss our next project. At these meetings, we prioritise ideas, discuss time scales and make financial decisions.
Our past projects have included: ‘Keep Puttenham litter free’ campaign; raising money for charity; use less plastic campaign; our recycling project; parking safely posters; playground rules and quiet area resources.
During the class and school councils, we aim to demonstrate our school values of hope, wisdom, respect, love and resilience in all that we do.
School Councillors 2024
Elsie, Bertie, Jemima, Lily and Ezra - Rabbit Class
Phoebe, Seth, Luka and Alexia - Fox Class
School Buddies
Our school buddies are a group of Year 2 children who have been chosen by their peers to ensure that playtime is a happy, safe and enjoyable time for all. The buddies are identified by their red ‘buddy’ bib. They help to care for the children by directing, playing and looking after them. The buddies are excellent role models for the school by demonstrating the values of love and respect.
Playground buddies 2024
Sophia, Noah, Ava, Kevin, Alexander and Beau