As a School we shall endeavour:
- to be committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children;
- to provide a caring environment, based on Christian ethics, in which each child is valued as an individual;
- to promote our Christian values of love, hope, respect, resilience and wisdom through our words and actions;
- to provide a safe and secure environment for all pupils and staff who work in the school, ensuring that procedures to protect individuals are known to those who may need to implement them;
- to promote kindness, courtesy and respect towards others and to encourage all children to play a full part in the life of the school;
- to encourage children to do their best at all times, developing independence and responsibility for their own learning, behaviour and belongings;
- to meet each child's individual needs and to extend his/her knowledge, skills and abilities;
- to ensure that each pupil has access to all areas of the curriculum;
- to deal with children's and carers' concerns promptly, calmly and fairly;
- to provide regular information to parents about their child's progress, and to inform at an early stage of any worries or concerns where necessary;
- to provide information about school activities, and to promote the involvement of parents and carers in the varied aspects of their child's school life;
- to encourage children to follow a healthy life style.
As a Family we shall endeavour to:
- be committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children;
- to support the school's Christian values of love, hope, respect, resilience and wisdom;
- support the school in promoting kindness, courtesy and respect towards others;
- encourage our child to value learning and to support them at home;
- help our child to develop independence and a greater responsibility for his/her own behaviour and belongings;
- communicate to the school any information which may affect our child's learning and/or welfare;
- ensure that our child attends regularly and punctually, and to provide an explanation for any absence;
- convey any concerns that may arise, and to support the school in helping to resolve them calmly and fairly;
- name all school uniform and personal belongings, and to ensure that my child has a coat available at school at all times;
- be aware of the health and well-being of others, as well as that of my own child;
- punctuality – to drop off and collect our child/ren on time;
- supervise all the children in our care in the vicinity of the school, the car parks and the lane;
- adhere to current ‘Good Parking Guide’ as provided by the school;
- adhere to the school’s protocol on use of social media with regards to publishing articles, photographs or information about the school.
As a Pupil I shall try to:
- always be the best I can be;
- follow the school values of love, hope, respect, resilience and wisdom;
- follow the school rules - we are all safe, happy and ready to learn;
- let others listen and speak;
- take care of my belongings, and those of other people;
- tell a grown up if I am upset or unhappy;
- follow good hand and respiratory hygiene (wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze).