Puttenham Church of England Infant School
Puttenham Church of England Infant School
‘Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community’. (World Health Organization)
At Puttenham Church of England Infant School our Christian vision and values shapes all we do. Our mission is provide an environment where everyone is valued, happy and safe through promotion of our school values of love, resilience, respect, hope and wisdom.
Our ethos is supportive, caring and respectful. We understand that children’s mental health is a vital factor in their overall wellbeing and how it can affect their development and achievements. We are committed to supporting their positive mental health and wellbeing to ensure they can flourish as individuals and ‘be the very best they can be’.
We are proud to be recognised as developing effective practice to promote and support well-being, health, inclusion and achievement.
The Surrey Healthy Schools approach applies evidence based practice promoting positive physical, emotional and mental health and well-being, and identifies 5 key themes:
1. Whole School Approach towards the Promotion of Positive Health and Well-being
2. PSHE Curriculum (incl. Health & Well-being, Relationships, Sex, Drug, Staying Safe & Financial Capability Education)
3. Healthy Eating (incl. Cooking and Healthy Eating in the Curriculum, Food Provision – school meals, packed lunches, pre and post school club food provision, and Cooking Clubs)
4. Physical Activity (incl. Physical Education and School Sport – PESSPA)
5. Emotional Well-being & Mental Health
This is an ongoing approach and we will always look for ways to enhance our provision and promote a health and well-being.