
Puttenham Church of England Infant School

Puttenham Church of England Infant School


Our aim is to develop children into confident mathematicians, who are able to use maths as a tool in a wide range of activities in everyday life. Mathematics teaching includes developing the children’s ability to calculate, communicate, reason and problem solve. Our curriculum ensures that the children have the opportunities to enjoy their learning, master what they have learnt, develop conceptual understanding, embed and apply skills accurately.


We use the White Rose mastery programme to sequence and plan the learning.  Their motto reflects our own vision and values that:

‘Everyone Can Do Maths: Everyone Can!’


Mathematics in the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is taught through a range of practical adult or child-led activities and through continuous provision. Teaching and learning promotes social skills and develops the mathematical understanding of young children through: observation of number and pattern in the environment, daily routines, board games, large and small construction, stories, songs, rhymes and finger games, sand and water play, imaginative play, cooking and shopping, outdoor play and playground games.

In Key stage 1 we follow the White Rose mastery curriculum. This allows children to develop confidence and competence in mathematics.  Children will be given opportunities to consolidate and deepen their understanding further. At Puttenham, we use the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach. Children will be given the chance to understand and explain what they have learnt practically using concrete objects. They will move onto pictorial representations such as pictures, graphs etc. to solve problems. Once they have a good understanding, they will be able to take an abstract approach to solve maths problems using concepts and symbols.
