
Puttenham Church of England Infant School

Puttenham Church of England Infant School

How We Teach Reading

Reading has a high profile here at Puttenham as we understand that it is the key to effective learning and progress.  We have developed a reading culture so that children appreciate and love books. The skills they learn will help to prepare them for learning in every stage of their education. We know through research that children will increase and improve their vocabulary through extensive reading and this in turn supports their writing.  Every class has a book area where children can enjoy reading books of their choice as well as a well-stocked reading scheme, library and reading shed in the playground.



Teaching reading




Every day the children receive a discrete phonics lesson for approximately 20 minutes. We follow the Read, Write Inc (RWI) phonics programme throughout the school. RWI is a systematic approach to learning to read using phonics. The phonic approach is to link the letter (grapheme) to the sound (phoneme). The children learn how to blend these sounds together to read words. Research has shown that teaching phonics in this systematic way is the most effective way to teach children to read.  They learn fun songs, actions and rhymes to go with the new sounds and to aid writing letters. More information can be found on the Read Write Inc website 





In Reception the children are encouraged to use ‘book talk’ and take a great interest in a variety of books. They learn how to handle books, discuss what is happening in the pictures and to make up their own stories. They will then read words as they begin to apply what they have learnt in their phonics sessions. The children will be given a reading book to share at home.


In KS1 the daily phonics session will continue alongside a greater focus on comprehension and reading for pleasure. During these sessions the children will be able to decode the books given using their phonic knowledge.  Books are given to children to share at home from a variety of fiction, non fiction and poetry books from our reading scheme. Books are banded and ordered in accordance with the RWI phonic level. 


 Reading schemes we use:

Read, Write Inc


Reading for enjoyment 


Children are encouraged to choose books they like to read from the class libraries and our well-stocked school library. Children can take home up to three books a week. Our children can also enjoy books from our reading shed in the quiet area at play times. This is stocked up with a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books. The children are encouraged to read in class, assemblies, church services and school plays. At the end of the Year 2 the children learn a poem or read a passage of their favourite book as part of the Puttenham Speaking and Listening Award. The teachers introduce new authors by choosing high quality texts to support the English curriculum and to read to the class.

We love taking part in the World Book Day events and inviting authors in to talk to the children.

Reading for Pleasure - sharing book schemes:


Oxford Reading Tree

Big Cat 

Story worlds



Parents reading meeting 27.9.2024
